Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Thanks Grandma!

We love our new lantern!
Please don't steal it...
(I'm still nervous to buy a new doormat)

Monday, June 27, 2011

P.S. Crappy Weekend

Saturday we went to BBQ with some of T's friends from work.
I got pooped on.
My crappy weekend, was a crappy weekend.

Crappy Weekend

Saturday started out with a fun day at the pool...
My first thought was that a golf ball had strayed from the golf course.
I soon realized that my purse had been stolen and the two cars next to us had the same broken windows.

 I honestly didn't know what to do. I just started to panic. So we called 911, and before we could even tell Oakridge what had happened, the police were there. They were so helpful and found a few finger prints on the car. So almost an hour later, I was on my way back home.
 Those of you who know me well, know that my purse is my lifeline. So I was beginning to realize the devastation of my stolen purse. So the next step....
Dumpster Diving!
Thank you Kenz and Brooke for helping me look for my stuff!

Update: We didn't find anything.
There have been several reported cases of fraud resulting from multiple robberies this past weekend in Farmington.
So now you are all warned!

when you really want to hang, text me, we're a gang!

Thursday, June 23, 2011


 Opening the roof at Chase Field
 Giants Dugout


 "the Cross"

 Wilson grand entrance
 "the Beard"

 Wilson's signature

I love the Giants!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Flag Club

Meet the "Crazy Lady" of baseball.
She sat at the top of Chase stadium and cheered on her Arizona DiamondBacks.
She has quite the flag collection... I never saw the same one twice.

Sunday, June 19, 2011